Health & Human Services
4Ci resources have expertise with integrating benefits and eligibility determination (recipient, provider) systems, financial systems, validations, and information exchange processes. Our consultants have re-designed & mapped government processes to comply with policies, guidelines mandated by Medical Assistance Program for the following systems; Medicaid, Claims, & Recipient Administration; Program Management; Provider Determination; Reference Data Management; MMIS; MITA architecture, processes, guidelines, business models; HIPPA remediation; EHR; Health Information Technology; Security, & Privacy.
4Ci has provided contract labor to construct enterprise wide automated case & benefits management systems where a case worker can plan and monitor services provided by various social agencies to an individual or a family.
Simultaneously a case worker can determine benefits eligibility based on household composition, non-financial assets and & other sources of income. 4Ci has experience of automating and integrating processes for claimants, recipients, and providers. From applying basic data management principles to complex business rules for eligibility determination, we have done it all.
4Ci has provided technical consulting & project management services for government programs to support low income families. Examples of such programs are Child Care Works, Early Intervention, Head Start, Nurse-Family Partnerships, Pre K Counts, and Key Stone STARS.
The goal of such programs is to prevent a child from abuse & neglect, help children in their social economic development, and assist a child for school readiness and similar initiatives for overall development of a child. 4Ci experts have configured complex business rules to build end-to-end systems that determine program eligibility, manage client & provider information,
Child Support Enforcement
4Ci resources have designed, developed, managed, maintained, and enhanced automation systems for Case Management of claimants and courts’ appeals process by incorporating complex business rules & policies that govern appeals and child support enforcement processes. We have created information exchange and collaboration portals for sharing of information related to eFiling and records maintenance. Using these systems a claimant can apply, review, monitor, and correspond through a single portal. Similarly, a trial and /or appellate court can electronically access information related to appeals process.